People all over the world have responded to the plight of New Zealand’s critically endangered Maui’s dolphin. The Government called for submissions and received over 20,000 from people in New Zealand and all around the world wanting immediate action to save Maui’s dolphin from extinction.
As you know, Maui’s dolphin is the world’s smallest and most endangered marine dolphin. It is found only in New Zealand waters and the latest population estimate indicates only 55 adult dolphins remain alive. The sad truth is, they’re now outnumbered by our Members of Parliament.
The future of Maui’s dolphin is now in the hands of those politicians. To highlight this point to them we commissioned Wellington artist Sheyne Tuffery to produce 55 artworks representing the alarmingly small Maui’s dolphin population. The beautiful handmade woodblock prints, aptly titled ‘In your hands’, feature Maui’s dolphins and a tuatara – another New Zealand species to have faced extinction but now considered a national treasure.